Want to be involved with Sandbag?
For a community organisation whose primary role is to provide support, there is nothing better than having a huge team of SANDBAG supporters. Becoming a member is easy and is a great way to get involved and support the work of SANDBAG Inc.
Membership provides the benefit of having influence in the future direction of SANDBAG. All members have the opportunity to vote at the Annual General Meeting. The AGM and the regular meetings of the Management Committee (Board) drive the strategic direction of SANDBAG and contribute to the success of the organisation. Therefore, one of the best opportunities to be more involved is exercised through seeking a position on the Board. SANDBAG is especially seeking to be more inclusive with our Board membership. Enthusiastic, competent, and committed people are most welcome – and we would appreciate you seeking to join us in these roles.
Membership is open to all people who support the Vision and Values of the organisation. It costs $20 for new members ($10 concession) to join or renew each year. Your membership expires on 30 October each year.
To join, complete and return the Membership Form or to find out more, browse through our website